Lunes, Pebrero 23, 2015

teaching demonstration

 sa aking pag-oobserba sa teaching demonstration ay kailangan focus ka sa lahat ng ginagawa mu simula umpisa ng iyong pagtuturo.kailangan mu ding ipakita sa mga estudyante mu na di ka nila pwedeng kayankayanan dahil pagpinakita mu un aabusuhin nila ang kahinaan mu pero di rin naman kailangan na lagi kang seryoso dahil baka magalit sayo ang mga estudyante mu.kailangan mu din ng magandang motivation para mag response sayo ang mga estudyante mu at di sila ma-bored sa itinuturo mu.

Lunes, Pebrero 16, 2015

teaching pronunciation

As a future teacher i want to teach  to my students about sports but in my demo as a major in English i want to topic is teaching pronunciation because many of the students straggle in pronunciation.

Pronunciation involves far more than individual sounds. Word stress, sentence stress, intonation, and word linking all influence the sound of spoken English, not to mention the way we often slur words and phrases together in casual speech. 'What are you going to do?' becomes 'Whaddaya gonna do?' English pronunciation involves too many complexities for learners to strive for a complete elimination of accent, but improving pronunciation will boost self esteem, facilitate communication, and possibly lead to a better job or a least more respect in the workplace. Effective communication is of greatest importance, so choose first to work on problems that significantly hinder communication and let the rest go. Remember that your students also need to learn strategies for dealing with misunderstandings, since native pronunciation is for most an unrealistic goal. 
A student's first language often interferes with English pronunciation. For example, /p/ is aspirated in English but not in Spanish, so when a Spanish speaker pronounces 'pig' without a puff of air on the /p/, an American may hear 'big' instead. Sometimes the students will be able to identify specific problem sounds and sometimes they won't. You can ask them for suggestions, but you will also need to observe them over time and make note of problem sounds. Another challenge resulting from differences in the first language is the inability to hear certain English sounds that the native language does not contain. Often these are vowels, as in 'ship' and 'sheep,' which many learners cannot distinguish. The Japanese are known for confusing /r/ and /l/, as their language contains neither of these but instead has one sound somewhere between the two. For problems such as these, listening is crucial because students can't produce a sound they can't hear. Descriptions of the sound and mouth position can help students increase their awareness of subtle sound differences.
  • VoicingVoiced sounds will make the throat vibrate. For example, /g/ is a voiced sound while /k/ is not, even though the mouth is in the same position for both sounds. Have your students touch their throats while pronouncing voiced and voiceless sounds. They should feel vibration with the voiced sounds only.
  • AspirationAspiration refers to a puff of air when a sound is produced. Many languages have far fewer aspirated sounds than English, and students may have trouble hearing the aspiration. The English /p/, /t/, /k/, and /ch/ are some of the more commonly aspirated sounds. Although these are not always aspirated, at the beginning of a word they usually are. To illustrate aspiration, have your students hold up a piece of facial tissue a few inches away from their mouths and push it with a puff of air while pronouncing a word containing the target sound.
  • Mouth PositionDraw simple diagrams of tongue and lip positions. Make sure all students can clearly see your mouth while you model sounds. Have students use a mirror to see their mouth, lips, and tongue while they imitate you.
  • IntonationWord or sentence intonation can be mimicked with a kazoo, or alternatively by humming. This will take the students' attention off of the meaning of a word or sentence and help them focus on the intonation.
  • LinkingWe pronounce phrases and even whole sentences as one smooth sound instead of a series of separate words. 'Will Amy go away,' is rendered 'Willaymeegowaway.' To help learners link words, try starting at the end of a sentence and have them repeat a phrase, adding more of the sentence as they can master it. For example, 'gowaway,' then 'aymeegowaway,' and finally 'Willaymeegowaway' without any pauses between words.
  • Vowel LengthYou can demonstrate varying vowel lengths within a word by stretching rubber bands on the longer vowels and letting them contract on shorter ones. Then let the students try it. For example, the word 'fifteen' would have the rubber band stretched for the 'ee' vowel, but the word 'fifty' would not have the band stretched because both of its vowels are spoken quickly.
  • Syllables
    • Have students count syllables in a word and hold up the correct number of fingers, or place objects on table to represent each syllable.
    • Illustrate syllable stress by clapping softly and loudly corresponding to the syllables of a word. For example, the word 'beautiful' would be loud-soft-soft. Practice with short lists of words with the same syllabic stress pattern ('beautiful,' 'telephone,' 'Florida') and then see if your learners can list other words with that pattern.
  • Specific Sounds
    • Minimal pairs, or words such as 'bit/bat' that differ by only one sound, are useful for helping students distinguish similar sounds. They can be used to illustrate voicing ('curl/girl') or commonly confused sounds ('play/pray'). Remember that it's the sound and not the spelling you are focusing on.
    • Tongue twisters are useful for practicing specific target sounds, plus they're fun. Make sure the vocabulary isn't too difficult.
    • The Sounds of EnglishAmerican Accent Training, and websites below offer guidelines for describing how to produce various English sounds. You can find representative practice words for every English sound on the English is Soup site.

Lunes, Pebrero 9, 2015

Taking Care of Yourself

Personal hygiene habits such as washing your hands and brushing and flossing your teeth will help keep bacteria, viruses, and illnesses at bay. And there are mental as well as physical benefits.Practicing good body hygiene helps you feel good about yourself, which is important for your mental health.

  • Bathe regularly. Wash your body and your hair often. “I’m not saying that you need to shower or bathe every day.But you should clean your body and shampoo your hair at regular intervals that work for you. Your body is constantly shedding skin.That skin needs to come off. Otherwise, it will cake up and can cause illnesses.

  • Trim your nails. Keeping your finger and toenails trimmed and in good shape will prevent problems such as hang nails and infected nail beds. Feet that are clean and dry are less likely to contract athlete’s foot.

  • Brush and floss. Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal. At the very least, brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily. Brushing minimizes the accumulation of bacteria in your mouth, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Flossing, too, helps maintain strong, healthy gums.Unhealthy gums also can cause your teeth to loosen, which makes it difficult to chew and to eat properly.To maintain a healthy smile, visit the dentist at six-month intervals for checkups and cleanings.

  • Wash your hands. Washing your hands before preparing or eating food, after going to the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing, and after handling garbage, goes a long way toward preventing the spread of bacteria and viruses. Keep a hygiene product, like an alcohol-based sanitizing gel, handy for when soap and water isn't available.

  • Sleep tight. Get plenty of rest — 8 to 10 hours a night — so that you are refreshed and are ready to take on the day every morning. Lack of sleep can leave you feeling run down and can compromise your body's natural defenses, your immune system.

Miyerkules, Pebrero 4, 2015

Heroes today.... Legend tomorrow

Now, be assured that the second target that eluded us will be captured. You know this: I am a man of my word. Capturing Basit Usman is No. 1 on our list of priorities,” he said.

He have ordered the authorities to formulate a more effective plan to hunt down and apprehend this criminal. The government is already working towards this end; They were already taking steps to meet this objective. They will prove that the law truly prevails in the Philippines. He assured, they will get Usman.
The words that said of Mr. Aquino is not worth because of what happen in the fallen 44. Many family had suffer because of what happen in the fallen 44 but Mr. Aquino assure to the family that
 they will exert every effort to lessen their worries and doubts about the future. They will provide for their needs, in accordance with all laws and regulations. They will do everything to help each family of our fallen heroes in the police.
 But according to Coloma, the package of benefits for the families includes lifetime pension, gratuity equivalent to one year salary, additional pension for the next five years, Pag-IBIG Fund death benefits, insurance benefits, and commutation of leaves.A minimum P800,000 cash will be given each family, excluding monthly pension benefits. The widows, siblings and parents will receive employment and livelihood assistance, while the children will get scholarships.
Now if the children heard about what happen in the fallen 44, they be scared to be a police or an army because of what happen but I believe who takes criminology course they motivate their selves to be strong.


kamuka ko daw?

In the showbiz industry i think in my own opinion my first ka-look a like is Nicole Uysiuseng.

My second ka-look a like is Miles Ocampo

and lastly Krista Ranillo

i am Jaymari San Miguel Escobin, i'm 19 years of age and i'm live in  Silangan Bayog Los BaƱos Laguna. I'm taking Bachelor of Secondary Education. My birthday is on July 17,1995. My parents name are Martin and Laurna Escobin and i have three siblings, my older sister is Joyce Rizza, she has a to sons Marc Lenard and Marc Lorence and my to brothers are Marco and Jayson.
 My sports is basketball and volleyball. I'm enjoy watching sports like volleyball and basketball, my favorite team in UAAP womens volleyball is the DLSU Lady Spikers and in the PBA is the San Miguel BeerMen. My hidden talent is i like to dance and listening in music.