Lunes, Marso 9, 2015

greatest contribution

my contribution in my elementary days and high school days; I obey the rules and regulation in school; I obey and I respect my adviser  and the other teachers; I finish my work on time; I help to clean the room.

in my college contribution; I joined in  my CWTS class to be one of the member of community service group; we went to Brgy. Tadlac to give some foods and clothes and we played game for the children.In sports fest my first joined in cheer dance;I did't expect that we will be the champion. I also joined to the tree planting in San Antonio river side.

As a future teacher; i like to teach to my future student about sport because sports is very popular now; I like to enhance the skills of student who have a potential in sports like volleyball; in their college life they can get scholar in the universities and maybe become a popular player.