Miyerkules, Pebrero 4, 2015

Heroes today.... Legend tomorrow

Now, be assured that the second target that eluded us will be captured. You know this: I am a man of my word. Capturing Basit Usman is No. 1 on our list of priorities,” he said.

He have ordered the authorities to formulate a more effective plan to hunt down and apprehend this criminal. The government is already working towards this end; They were already taking steps to meet this objective. They will prove that the law truly prevails in the Philippines. He assured, they will get Usman.
The words that said of Mr. Aquino is not worth because of what happen in the fallen 44. Many family had suffer because of what happen in the fallen 44 but Mr. Aquino assure to the family that
 they will exert every effort to lessen their worries and doubts about the future. They will provide for their needs, in accordance with all laws and regulations. They will do everything to help each family of our fallen heroes in the police.
 But according to Coloma, the package of benefits for the families includes lifetime pension, gratuity equivalent to one year salary, additional pension for the next five years, Pag-IBIG Fund death benefits, insurance benefits, and commutation of leaves.A minimum P800,000 cash will be given each family, excluding monthly pension benefits. The widows, siblings and parents will receive employment and livelihood assistance, while the children will get scholarships.
Now if the children heard about what happen in the fallen 44, they be scared to be a police or an army because of what happen but I believe who takes criminology course they motivate their selves to be strong.


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